Note: Is anyone else having trouble posting comments to blogs with word verification? I have to apologize to several people (including Tam), I can't seem to post comments on your blogs, the word verification thing won't load a word for me to verify! I'm sorry, I will try back later.Tam at The Gypsy's Corner ( is hosting Three or More Tuesday. I don't know how many more weeks I can go before everything I own is in a box, but for this week, I'm in!

Below are some ragdolls I made several years ago from fabric, thread and bits of stuff I had lying around. I even sewed their little legwarmer socks and crocheted their hats and bag. I do ok at little projects like this, it's the big ones I never seem to finish! I don't know where I'm going to go with them in the new house. Maybe they will find a home in the bedroom with my bear collection that I can't part with but no longer want to have displayed in my living room. I come from a long line of packrats, we don't easily give things up unless we really never liked them that much. What do you do with things you are attached to but no longer fit your design scheme?

Today the back of my house is completely vinyl-clad. I think it may be a few days til they get around to the front though, there are still 5 back-ends to do on my row. I can't wait to see how this looks once they build my tiny little deck.

I'm loving all these windows. I'll be getting a lot of light in there! I'm wondering if the summer sun will be higher and hit my deck or if I will be doing shade plants out there? And I wonder if the HOA will allow window boxes off the sunroom?

Thanks for coming by!
Your house is really coming along Tracy. You must be so excited. I remember how much fun it was going to see my house when it was being built.
Hi Tracy! I'm glad the word verification thing is not "just me"
Looks like you are having some nice things done to your home. It will be fun to see some after shots when it's done. The ragdolls are very cute, too.
I love your little rag dolls, that little Americana one just stole my heart...see? There it goes!
The "comfy place" is really coming along now! I've really enjoyed watching it take shape.
Oh! I've been having trouble posting to some blogs too. I can't get past the word verification either
Darling rag dolls, Tracy. And the house looks great!
Hey Tracy, I am also have troubles leaving messages. I am not sure what is happening.
Your ragdolls are cute. I have a pattern that I got about five years ago for little rag bears. Now, I want to look for it & make one.
Hi! My first time doing T or More T and I am making my rounds!! Yes, I too am having trouble with word verifications and I left a comment on my blog for Tam. I hope she gets it.
Love your ragdolls, you have a lot of creative talent not to mention sewing skills! Are you still making them? They are darling!!
I love your house. All those windows give it so much character. I'd love having that sun shining in on me every day!!
Have a great week and stop by soon!! :-)
I love the ragdolls you made! They are precious! Your house looks amazing! :-) Laura
I loved all the pictures and those dolls, I know someone who would just die if they see those cuties!
Carolyn of What Now? Tablescapes
man, we are definitely getting a house, huh? I can't wait!
Love those windows! And the dolls, too. They take so much work... nice job!
I love the dolls -- I used to make dolls, too -- don't know why I stopped.
Happy Three or More Thursday Tracy!
Love the made them? How talented you are!
Wow Tracy,
those dolls are too precious and I'm so excited about the progress they are making at your house - Wooohooo!!!
Thank you so much for participating in 'Three Or More' and sorry you had trouble leaving a comment on my post last night, I fixed it this morning by turning off word verification.
Have a wonderful evening,
Hi Tracy! Oh, what precious little dolls! You're very good at this! Now your new home is looking grand! I'm so happy for you. I'll be you just can't wait to get in there.
I will be entering your name in my giveaway.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I love the little dolls. Oh they must find a home in your new house! Which Congrats btw! I am a single mom and know how wonderful it feels to 'own' a home of your own!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your nice comments.I just started posting on my blog not too long ago and i'm still struggling to learn how to blog. I read your blog yesterday and I enjoyed so much!!!! You must be so excited of your new house. Oh!I couldn't post my comments yesterday,because i kept getting an error message for some reason. I also want to be a follwer of your blog,Tracy!:D It's nice to meet you! Suzie
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