I finally got most of my cleaning done, so I am beginning to decorate for Christmas. I still want to shampoo my carpeting and clean out the bedroom, but neither of those things interfere with decorating.
I am considering getting an artificial tree. I think I may get a real one this year, and look for one after Christmas for next year when I have the new house. The living room is on the second floor, and I think I'd rather not drag a live tree up and down the steps.

I have been looking online at decorations and I'm watching holiday decorating shows on HGTV to get some new ideas, though I don't want to spend much money. I have been evolving my decor over the past several years from a primitive country look to a more warm traditional one, and that includes Christmas decorating. I started that by getting a second tree at my old house and doing a traditional look in the formal living room and kept the country look in the family room.

Since my divorce I have not had the option of two trees; I have barely had room for one, so I have been keeping the tree in a country look and spreading the traditional look around the rest of the room.
I'm finding the internet is a really great way to define your style and get ideas of the look you want to create. It just takes a little time to go through photos and blogs and websites to find things that you find really appealing and group them together to find a cohesive theme.
Sometimes it's not all that cohesive and that is part of the problem I'm facing to decorate the new house. So many things appeal to me!

One thing I have found I have a really strong preference for is ornate sparkly Christmas ornaments in warm colors. Aren't these gorgeous?
Well, enough typing for now, I have decorating to do!