Hi there. Ok, I haven't blogged in a while. About a year. I didn't plan to take a break, but I sorta lost my decorating mojo. I won't bore you with the details, since this is a decorating blog, I'll just pick up where I left off, more or less.
Some of what I am doing this year is a repeat of last year, like the dresser above, other things I am tweaking. I decided to put my dining room tree on top of the server in front of the windows. It's a little more dramatic than last year when I had it in the corner. The details are not clear in the photo, but it has a nature theme, a twiggy tree wrapped in grapevines, and decorated with birds nests, glass pinecones, little bird houses, owls, icicles, as well as some blue and brown balls. I wrapped the base in burlap and added some greens.
My kids were home briefly at Thanksgiving and decorated the living room tree, which is always our family ornaments; things that the kids and I made over the years, things my mom made and gave to us, sentimental ornaments sent to us by special friends and family. One thing I changed was that I didn't use my red wooden bead garland, or the red skirt. I decided instead to tie squares of white tulle to the tree branches and to use my white ruffled tree skirt.
My youngest (above) was home for 2 whole days - senior year of college and she is in the marching band, which performed at a game on Black Friday.
Manda was home for just a few hours, and I put her to work. She didn't mind, she's a good helper. Next week at this time, all my kids will be home - can't wait! Here are some more pics from around the house.
If you are reading this, thanks for coming back (or just visiting). I won't make any promises but I hope to get back to blogging more in 2014. Hope you are having a nice holiday season!

Imagine my surprise as I stopped by your blog...just checking to see if you were there!! I have checked often this past year, had a look around at the blogs on your list and hoped you would start writing again. I love your style of decorating, although I don't have the knack, I do love seeing it. Also I like to see what you can do with paint and different pieces of furniture. Thanks for coming back..you can't know how happy that made me tonight. Jeane
Yay!!!!!! I have so missed your posts and your beautiful pic's. I hope you keep your mojo next year and keep posting. I just love your home, your decorating, your ideas, etc. Merry Christmas to all!
I am happy you have returned to blog, I sorely lack your creativity and decor skills, but very much admire what you have accomplished.
I do hope you blog more in 2014, in the mean time Seasons Greetings and all the best in the New Year.
Wow, just wow!
So glad you updated! I love your style, and have been checking periodically to see if you updated. What a happy surprise!
Im so happy to see you are back!! Keep going!! You were missed by me! Your home looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Merry Christmas!
Wonderful Christmas decorating! I need someone like you to decorate my house! I'm terrible at decorating, but really enjoy seeing what creative people can do. Keep up the good work, and keep blogging!
Everything is beautiful, but my favorites are the white armoire decked out with wreaths and the green dresser.
I am trying to decide what to put next to my husband's favorite old leather chair and I think a dress like yours will be perfect.
nice blog. beautiful decorations! Beautiful Christmas tree!!Welcome to each other. I am a beginner, so I am counting on your support. :)
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