I'm sure I'm not alone feeling glad that Spring is here. Though we may get more cold and more snow, we have had a bit of warmth and some signs that Winter is nearly at an end. My crocuses are coming up and the birds are singing, and that is enough to make me happy. I took some photos of the nest that was built and abandoned in my front door flower basket last year. I felt so bad for the poor mama bird, she was too afraid to come back to the nest after I disturbed her several times coming in and out of the house. I left it out there for a couple months but she didn't come back so I brought it inside after one of the eggs disappeared. It's hard to get a feel for how small the nest is from my pics, but it could fit in a teacup. The eggs are very tiny.
I am not a Winter person at all, so I'll admit that the Easter decorations went up when the Christmas ones came down. Now it's finally appropriate to show pictures. :)
I haven't been doing any projects around the house lately, but now that Spring is here, I'm feeling nest-ish. Today I am going to paint my kitchen island. It could be the start of a streak.