At this stage of my life I am well aware of what makes me tick, and one of my idiosyncrasies is getting myself immersed in different interests until I get bored with them. Sometimes this does not take long, sometimes it takes years. Several weeks ago I picked up the book, "Julie & Julia" for a bit of light reading, and now I just feel like cooking a lot.
Honestly, despite an extensive cookbook collection, I've never been much of a cook, I'm more the type to throw a chicken in a crockpot or make something out of a box than to do any real cooking. But if Julia Child could start learning at 37, I can start at ... somewhat older than that. In the past few weeks, I've been really cooking, and it has not been pretty, so I haven't blogged about it. Not that things didn't turn out, they did, but I find I need to concentrate on what I'm doing, so keeping things tidy and remembering to take photos is sort of out of the question. I'll try to work on it though.
For my birthday, I got a couple of new cooking toys, a toaster oven from Steph and Simon, and a Tramontina enameled dutch oven which I got with birthday money from my parents (thanks Mom and Dad!) I've subscribed to the Cooks Illustrated website and they had a pretty high opinion of this pot, and since I don't have $300 to spend on the Le Creuset version (and probably wouldn't even if I did), I'm giving this one a whirl.
In other news, my daughter Steph and her fiance Simon bought their first house, a three story townhome laid out similarly to mine. Last weekend I helped them paint, and then move in. Here are a couple photos, the paint colors are really much better in person, but you get the idea. Dramatic red in the living room:
The problem that I have with cooking is the eating. If it tastes good, I can't stop eating. I did a ton of cooking in my twenties. My ex gained forty pounds during our senior year of college. I think the only reason he married me was because I made apple pies, and cheesecakes.
I am a fan of vicarious eating, so share some of your new dishes. :)
Congrats to your daughter on her new home. She must be so excited. The paint colors look great. I can't wait to see more.
awww yay. I miss you!
Oh, what a fun time cooking. Then there's lots to eat! Glad you popped in to see me. We're not gamblers and like you, I'd rather buy dishes! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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